UHD Spain opens new members’ admission process

UHD Spain Association would hold an official new members welcome ceremony in Malaga on the 15th of November at the opening of the seventh edition of the 4KHDR Summit, which is back this year at ‘Polo Nacional de Contenidos Digitales’. The Association continues with test broadcasts of its 4K channel in 40 Spanish cities.
Under the statutes of UHD Spain, constituted on 26th of January as a non-profit association and registered in the National Registry of Associations by the Home Office on 2nd of June, the admission of new members and collaborators must be approved by the Board of Directors.
Any prospective affiliates willing to join the Association must be endorsed by a founding member. In addition, the membership application documents must be submitted, including the merits or reasons for joining it.
The 30 founding members of UHD Spain are: Grupo ADM, Ametic, Ateme, Atresmedia, Axión, Canon, Cellnex, Dolby, Drago/Secuoya, Egatel, Fecotel, Fenitel, Fraunhofer, Gsertel, Henneo, Hispasat, Hurí, Lavinia, Mediapro, Medina Media, RTVE, Rohde & Schwarz, Sapec, Tedial, Telecom Castilla La Mancha, Televés, Tredess, Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, Uteca y Vestel.
The status of Members or Collaborators may be acquired by legal or natural persons, public or private, who apply to the Board of Directors. After their acceptance, they will be able to form part of our specific working committees that are already operating with weekly meetings since the constitution of the UHD Spain Association.
Unlike full Membership, Collaborators do not have the right to vote in the Assemblies, although they may attend and have the right to speak. They may also not be members of the Board of Directors.
New Members and Collaborators are entitled to have access to the documentation, studies, promotional activities, and any other actions undertaken by the Association in the achievement of its aims.
The objective of UHD Spain is to promote and develop Ultra High Definition (UHD) in Spain.